College Credit Plus
The College Credit Plus (CCP) program provides students in grades 7-12 who are intellectually and socially capable of doing college work with an additional education option. Students may enroll in full or part time for courses for high school and/or college credit. The program is intended to complement rather than replace the high school curriculum.
Every college in Ohio offers the College Credit Plus program. Entrance to the program depends on the passing of a college entrance exam – either the ACT or ACCUPLACER test. Students are not eligible for College Credit Plus if placed in remedial level Math or English.
There is no tuition to the student, or the student’s family once they are accepted into the College Credit Plus program. The college will not charge a student for textbooks, materials or other fees directly related to the coursework. However, if a student fails the college class, the parents are responsible for paying North Central for the class before the student graduates from high school.
There is a mandatory presentation that you can open HERE that a student interested in taking CCP classes must listen to, along with a parent. It is extremely important that deadlines be met for the College Credit Plus program for both the college and North Central. Failure to do so will result in the student not being able to participate in the program After watching the presentation, please complete this FORM and return it to the guidance office.
The state of Ohio requires a minimum of 20 credits to graduate. North Central requires 21 credits.